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Deep Root Fertilization - What Gives?

Look at pictures of your neighborhood 100 years ago - what was growing there? I’m sure you’ll notice it looks a whole lot different than it does today. In urban landscaped areas, seldom is there a tree or shrub planted that belongs in that climate. Colorado is considered a high plains desert, and our native, endemic plants reflect this. Our climates are harsh with dramatic extremes in moisture, temperature, and humidity. Our soils vary widely, but tend to be very alkaline and tight clay. These conditions lead to less drainage, less air flow, and, for our fellow science geeks out there, low cation exchange capability. The vast majority of trees and shrubs we plant in our urban landscapes don’t belong here, aren’t receiving the necessary elements and nutrients they need from the soil and, therefore, are under constant stress.

Our deep root fertility program provides necessary macro and microelements such as iron, sulfur, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and copper – all of which are critical in the formation of cells responsible for every physiological function of the plant; from growth to respiration, transpiration, food and carbohydrate synthesis, and oxygen creation (photosynthesis, anyone?). However, due to the high PH, or alkalinity of our soils, these critical elements are “tied up” with calcium, and thus not available for the plant’s consumption. The iron, magnesium, and other microelements in our fertility program are in a chelated form (ie. surrounded with an organic coating) which is broken down and released by microbes in the soil thus allowing the plant to absorb and utilize them before the carbon in the soil binds them up.

Beyond providing these necessary nutrients to the plant, there are two other main benefits of deep root fertilization: supplemental water and, perhaps even more important, soil aerification. Because of the pressure of the solution injected into the soil, air pockets are created which allows for optimal root expansion and oxygen exposure. Further, in severely distressed plants, we can add the beneficial, symbiotic root fungi known as Mycorrhizae. These fungi grow on the roots of the treated plants, increasing the plant’s root surface area by tenfold – allowing them to absorb and retain greater amounts of water, nutrients, and elements.

Read this great informational article on benefits of Mycorrhizae, published by the New York Botanical Library, by clicking here.

And then head on over to our Contact Page, to request an estimate or to get more information on our deep root fertilization program!

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Knothead Tree and Lawn Care

Brett LeMaire, Owner and Operator

ISA Certified Arborist #RM 2205

Family Owned and Operated since 2008

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